
Posts Tagged ‘grammar’

Many nights I’ve pondered our origin and creation told in the beginning of “The Old Testament.” Why we need bearing through the trials of life is self-explanatory. contemplating our faiths focus on god’s word from the beginning’s been magnified ten fold due to my recent discoveries. Aligning parts of a sentence isn’t common practice for those using the thing we’re taught’s functioning language. Coordinating conjunctions, and predicates seem to align themselves if they’re used improperly. Those sentence parts occasionally align, creating a net of seemingly repetitive sentence parts. However! Due to WordPress’s proofreader those improper uses get questioned when present in sentences as cliché or complex phrases. When proper grammar’s practiced the net appears as space between words and sentence parts. Because conjunction and predicate are primarily used for bearing of a sentences focal point I can associate that space to other scientific function. I like to think of that new alignment as serpent scales or parts of the cartesian grid. I’ve often heard people state proper use of grammar is not common use for them; nor, do they care.Those same people might state fish net body suits are exciting garments for both gender. Though the irony of functioning science never intrigued those free thinkers.Perhaps not everyone realizes three hundred and sixty words of essay fit perfectly on their display.

Bad grammar’s got great rhythm, but just not as erotic a tempo compared to the flow of a functioning language. We self-centered type might find sleazy literature written poorly obscene. That self consuming serpent’s maybe only merciful for those it thinks is appealing in that self-same nature. Because appeal is a thing accepted of a things and itself.

To all bloggers I love; context is only a thing for free thinkers. don’t choose the cheapest bargain if you have any doubt about the product.

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JUMP FOR JOY Photo Project

sharing joy with the human spirit, in mid-air, around the world